PMS is a tailor-made professional service offered to cater the investment objectives of different investor classes. The investment solutions provided by PMS cater to a niche segment of our clients. The clients can be Individuals or Institution entities with high net worth. In simple words, a Portfolio Management Service provides professional management of your investments to create wealth. When you invest in PMS, you own individual securities unlike a mutual fund investor, who owns units of the fund. You have the freedom and flexibility to tailor your portfolio to address personal preferences and financial goals. We also have an access to a number of third party PMS by various Fund Houses and NBFCs with a research desk that actively analyzes and tracks their performance.

Our service provides professional management of your portfolios with the objective of delivering consistent long-term performance while controlling risk. We recognize that portfolios need to be constantly monitored and periodic changes are needed to be made to optimize the results. A research team is responsible for establishing our investment strategy and providing us real time information to support it. Also, we take care of all the administrative aspects of a particular portfolio with a monthly reporting on the overall status of the portfolio and its performance. There is an active communication by means of regular statements and updates. Web-enabled access will ensure that you are just a click away from all information relating to your investment.

This is a unique solution provided by us to those investors who feel :

Their investments are messed up due to wrong advisory or wrong decisions.

They have bought wrong insurance policies and investment products.

Their investments are consistently making losses.

There is no risk management strategy in their portfolio.

They have not made any Asset allocation.

Their Investments are not made considering their Life goals like Retirement Planning, Child Education Planning.

They don’t have any Succession Plan in place.

Some of our offerings are:

  • Value Strategy:

The Value Strategy aims to benefit from the long term compounding effect on investments done in good businesses, run by great business managers for superior wealth creation.

  • Next Trillion Dollar Opportunity Strategy:

The Next Trillion Dollar Opportunity Strategy aims to deliver superior returns by investing in focused themes which are part of the next Trillion Dollar GDP growth opportunity. It aims to pre-dominantly invest in Small & Mid Cap stocks with a focus on Identifying Emerging Stocks/Sectors.

  • Making a proper succession Plan through wills and Trusts.

  • Restructure your investments considering your circumstances.

  • Evolve Strategies that will help you achieving higher risk adjusted returns.

  • Direct your investments towards your Goals.

  • Deciding which insurance Policies should be continued and which should be surrendered.

Please meet us to help you in resolving these issues. Here we basically help you to:

Restructure your investments considering your circumstances.

Evolve Strategies that will help you achieving higher risk adjusted returns.

Direct your investments towards your Goals.

Deciding which insurance Policies should be continued and which should be surrendered.

Making a proper succession Plan through wills and Trusts.