As your Individual Financial Goals become mutual, analyze some of the financial planning needs, which you must address to secure your family’s future financially. We can help you address some questions that will help you prepare to start a new family:

  • What are your financial goals and how are they prioritized? How will you work towards these goals?
  • Do you plan to buy a home?
  • Do you want to have a child?
  • Have you worked out a monthly investment plan?
  • Have you analyzed the insurance needs of your working spouse?
  • How much should you be saving for retirement?
  • What is your risk tolerance for investing?
  • Do you and your spouse have the same tolerance for risk or do you differ?

When you get married, your life changes and so does your financial needs. Kesari Financial Services can help you start your finances on the right path with an eye towards your family’s future dreams.