You often wonder that if you have enough money to pay for everything today, then why you should keep some money aside for tomorrow. But what if your paychecks stop coming or you no longer want to work? How would you manage your living? The fact is “To Live, You Need Money”. You know it all!!

​The problem is after paying for day-to-day needs and other utilities, not much is left to save for tomorrow and you fear that you might even miss out on your today. Isn’t it? But just take a moment to see what you have been spending on and you may find that most of it wasn’t really important to you.

You would never have enough to save
It’s not about salary, it’s about spending choices!!


Without a plan you are spending almost everything you earn or more than everything you earn. And you don’t even have a clue where is it all going. Coffee, outing with friends, cab rides, weekend getaways, unplanned dinners or 30-minute pizza delivery etc does not seem to make much difference. They happen seldom that’s what you think.

If you just track down how much you have been spending on these things, you would be shocked to see that they consume a major chunk of your income without even letting you know.

Watch out for the little things you spend on And see whether they are worth it!!


Income lasting till the next paycheck or not struggling to fulfill the day-to-day needs does not mean that your finances are sorted. We often think that we would cross the bridge when it comes. It’s good to live in the moment but what if something crops up which requires you to shell out a huge chunk of money? Be it a new gadget you’ve been looking for or a foreign trip or Masters in a reputed university or buying a car or otherwise. The lists can be endless.

What would you compromise on “your wish” or “your day-to-day living”? You would not have to give up on either if you just plan for them a little ahead of time. Have a Budget.

Budget is not a plan to save
It’s a plan to spend!!


It’s difficult to forego something you want, when you know you can afford it at that time. But what if this thing is not a part of your spending plan? Confused? Can’t decide whether you should really go for it? Try Rule 21 – just postpone such purchases for 21 days. If after 21 days you still have the same urge to buy, then you need it else you don’t!!

Similarly when you start something new, it’s difficult to do it consistently. And when it’s something like “Follow a Spending Plan” it’s way too difficult. Smart phones these days comes with a variety of expense tracking or budgeting apps which keeps a track of what’s coming in and going out. If you push yourself hard to do it for 21 days consistently, after that you wouldn’t be able to do WITHOUT IT.

If you really want to do something
You’ll find a Way else an Excuse!!


It’s difficult to forego something you want, when you know you can afford it at that time. But what if this thing is not a part of your spending plan? Confused? Can’t decide whether you should really go for it? Try Rule 21 – just postpone such purchases for 21 days. If after 21 days you still have the same urge to buy, then you need it else you don’t!!

Similarly when you start something new, it’s difficult to do it consistently. And when it’s something like “Follow a Spending Plan” it’s way too difficult. Smart phones these days comes with a variety of expense tracking or budgeting apps which keeps a track of what’s coming in and going out. If you push yourself hard to do it for 21 days consistently, after that you wouldn’t be able to do WITHOUT IT.

If you really want to do something
You’ll find a Way else an Excuse!!