Responsibilities will only increase

With kids in life, priorities change. Responsibilities increase and so as expenses; but expenses from here will only increase. With array of new ways to spend, it’s difficult to save for a goal that’s too far-“Your Retirement”. Yes it’s true that you cannot do all at once. But the fact is it’s YOU who will have to pay for your retirement. Taking the first step is the hardest thing to do but you have to start somewhere to be somewhere.

Though you missed on some years, but it’s still not too late. You still have some decades before you retire to let the power of compounding work for you. Stop thinking and start doing. Remember you cannot make up for the lost time. Retirement planning is not about planning till 60 but it’s about planning “till you live”. Disciplined Savings in diversified equity funds is the way out to fulfill your Retirement Wishlists.

Life will always get in the way,
But you got to save today to spend tomorrow too!!