You’re either entering or have entered your peak earning years and not much time is left before you would retire. Beginning retirement planning at this age may require substantial changes in one’s lifestyle, but they would be less painful than changes that one might be required to make after 10-15 years. With just 10-15 working years in hand, it’s time to do some serious number crunching to assess how much would you need to live your retirement comfortably.
For those who have already begun it’s important to assess where have you reached and would this work considering your current lifestyle. However, some big financial responsibilities (kid’s education and their wedding) will also be knocking at your door. Don’t put your retirement at stake to pay for kid’s college or their wedding or other goals. As it’s you who will have to pay for your retirement. Disciplined and balanced savings in diversified equity funds and debt funds is the way ahead. Don’t be too defensive as retirement planning is not about planning till 60 but it’s about planning “till you live”.
If ever there was critical time to plan for Retirement,
It’s NOW, Get Going before it’s too late!!