Your world revolves around your baby

News of arrival or arrival of a little member in the family brings immense happiness. As parents you make sure that everything whether it’s their pram, new room, clothes, toys or others are in place before they even arrive. And in a blink of an eye, you realize that they are ready to enter the new world “Their Kindergarten”. With this, the hunt for school begins. Lists are prepared and you check it again and again to ensure that nothing is left out.

School Uniform-Check. School Bag-Check. Water Bottle-Check. Books-Check. Higher Education Plan-? Where did this come from?

You might think that your baby is too young and higher education seems too far away right now. But the time is not too far off when your kids would be discussing with you about WHAT THEY WANT TO BE. And if you find it too early to plan for their future, you would be shocked to know that you are late!!

Small and disciplined savings in diversified equity fund would help your kids fulfill their dreams. Let the magic of compounding beat the biggest enemy of your kids dreams – The Inflation.

Whole world of opportunities is waiting,
Start saving and let the doors be open!!