Ah!! The time has come. Soon your little darlings would be out on their own to begin the journey of their dreams. The best college and best career option discussions have already begun. Whether it’s breakfast table or dinner table, it’s all about your kid’s college. You want to make sure that he/she takes the right decision. After all it’s something that concerns their whole life. Hence, You can’t afford to be wrong this time.
Now that anytime you can be required to shell out the money for your darling’s dreams, it’s time to go slow. Be defensive and have your savings in debt funds or any other fixed income instruments. Aim for capital protection to avoid any hassles, as anytime your kid might say “I have got the call, yippee”!!
Your little bundle of joy has grown up
And geared to get a head start in life !!
School Uniform-Check. School Bag-Check. Water Bottle-Check. Books-Check. Higher Education Plan-? Where did this come from?
You might think that your baby is too young and higher education seems too far away right now. But the time is not too far off when your kids would be discussing with you about WHAT THEY WANT TO BE. And if you find it too early to plan for their future, you would be shocked to know that you are late!!
Small and disciplined savings in diversified equity fund would help your kids fulfill their dreams. Let the magic of compounding beat the biggest enemy of your kids dreams – The Inflation.
Whole world of opportunities is waiting,
Start saving and let the doors be open!!